Programs for Youth
Our goal is to enable the community to engage with our research, and to help young people find opportunities for learning outside of the classroom. We hope to empower youth to connect with Elders, and become passionate stewards of their lands and waters — now and into the future.
WCS Canada and Moose Cree First Nation (MCFN) partners and youth on the shores of the Lower Mattagami River. From left to right: Jacob Seguin (WCS Canada), Jennifer Simard (MCFN, above), Claire Farrell (WCS Canada, below), Jonathan Rickard (MCFN), Ocean Phillips (youth program), Denika Quachegan (youth program). Photo credit: Claire Farrell.
Programs for Youth
Rachel shares her experience being part of the Learning from Lake Sturgeon youth program.
See what it’s like to be part of Learning from Lake Sturgeon fieldwork with the youth program
Since 2018, the Learning from Lake Sturgeon program has included Moose Cree youth in our lake sturgeon fieldwork on the North French and Mattagami Rivers. The youth program experience includes learning important fieldwork skills, like fish sampling, using a GPS, and other research technology from the lake sturgeon team — all while out on the land in the Moose Cree Homeland.
PHOTOS From the Field
Neemamo Mishkanan
a fully funded canoe trip program for moose Cree Youth!
With the support of the Learning from Lake Sturgeon program team, this program is intended for Moose Cree youth to strengthen connections with the Moose Cree Homeland and culture, while also learning valuable skills and practices of environmental conservation.
We many offer in-the-field opportunities for youth, but we also offer other youth programming! An example was a virtual gathering with Elders and youth in 2021, when we weren’t able to gather in person. This graphic record from Sam Hester shares some of what we shared during that gathering.