big fish need healthy rivers
Learning from Lake Sturgeon is a co-created effort to learn more about river ecosystems through scientific research and First Nations perspectives. Lake sturgeon have a lot to teach us, and through our Youth Program, you may discover your future career path in environmental stewardship.
Learning from Lake Sturgeon is a co-created research effort between WCS Canada and Moose Cree First Nation Resource Protection to gather information for decision-making about lake sturgeon and the rivers they call home within the Moose Cree Homeland.

As we research together, the lake sturgeon reveal their story
Our team is discovering more and more about this amazing fish — like their travel habits! In areas without dams or obstructions, lake sturgeon travel long distances, sometimes as much as hundreds of kilometres. And with receivers in the river year-round, we've also learned what lake sturgeon are up to in deep winter, even under the ice.

Learn more about our youth programs
There are many ways to get involved with our research and youth programming, including opportunities and training for Moose Cree community members and youth, including fieldwork, employment, training, and events.

If you are a sturgeon fisher in the Moose Cree homeland, you can help our study by bringing a tag reader with you on your next fishing trip! This tag reader will help you know whether a sturgeon you have caught is part of the study. And if you have found a tag, you can help our study by returning to tag to us.
Lastest News
At the Society of Canadian Aquatic Sciences (SCAS) Conference, we came together to highlight the power of youth leadership, Indigenous-led conservation, and collaborative research. From youth co-presenting their experiences to discussions on protecting namewak (lake sturgeon), the event was a powerful reminder that conservation is strongest when we work together.
We measured mercury in blood from namew in the Lower Mattagami and North French Rivers. We found the good news that mercury was fairly low in all namew blood samples – and we also found some interesting differences between the sites in what the namew are eating.
If you are in Moose Factory on August 20, please join us to welcome home the Neemamo Mishkanan paddlers at the Cree Cultural Interpretative Centre!
After all of the preparation, planning, and packing, the Neemamo Mishkanan team has left for their 8-day journey to canoe a traditional Moose Cree travel route!
Youth participants of Neemamo Mishkanan completed first aid and canoe training! The week was filled with learning, laughter, and bonding.
This year on the Lower Mattagami River, our field team had some beautiful sunny days alternating with some downpours, and temperatures ranging from 2°C to 25°C!
The Neemamo Mishkanan “We Canoe Together” program officially launched this weekend, with an opening weekend of introductions, workshops, and cultural events!
Learn all about our new research paper describing the movement and behaviour of namew in the free-flowing North French River!
See what it’s like to be part of Learning from Lake Sturgeon fieldwork with the youth program!
Our team spent a few days on the beautiful North French River downloading our underwater receivers that track tagged namew.
Our team has started to prepare for another busy season of field work and youth programming by brushing up on our safety skills!
The deadline to apply for a fully funded canoe trip for Moose Cree Youth has been extended to February 29! Learn more and apply today!
Neemamo mishkanan “We Canoe Together” is a once-in-a-lifetime, fully funded canoe trip and learning program for Moose Cree Youth. Learn more and apply today!
Check our page in early January if you are a youth interested in taking part of a youth canoe trip in the Moose Cree Homeland this upcoming summer!
With winter holidays coming up, we thought that it would be fun to introduce some members of our team, and share some of the things that we like to do for fun in the winter!
Tagged namew give us an under-the-ice window into their life. And one of the really interesting things that we have learned is that namew are active all year round, even under the thick layers of ice and snow.
Hear from Moose Cree Youth Ocean Skye Phillips and her experiences since 2019 with the Learning from Lake Sturgeon youth program!
We are very excited to announce a new project that we’ve been working on — we created a booklet about the Learning from Lake Sturgeon program, and it shares all of the results of what we have learned so far!